Minute Masterclass Episode 69

Welcome to your one-minute masterclass. I’m Andrea Trench, founder of DiscoverDance. Today we continue our series on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. The first level of the hierarchy, which in the pyramid model is the bottom level, is Physiological Needs. These are our basic needs to live and survive: Water, Food, Sleep, and Warmth. For this level of needs, there is only so much we as a dance studio can do. But, there are things we can make certain of. We do have control over when we schedule classes to make sure they are not during nap time, meal times, or too late (even if that late class is a popular time slot). We can be sure we have water available and encourage hydration if we are seeing signs of dehydration. And, we can keep our studio climate at a comfortable level. 

The most powerful thing we can do, however, is to educate caregivers on the health and well-being of the developing child. It certainly takes a village, and with all of the grown-ups working together towards a common goal, there is no doubt we will create a healthy learning and living environment for all children. For more information, visit DiscoverDance.com.


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