Minute Masterclass Episode 142

Welcome to your one-minute masterclass. I’m Andrea Trench, founder of DiscoverDance and creator of the Foundations Course for Early Childhood Dance Educators and the DiscoverDance Experience Membership. Today, we’re talking about what guides DiscoverDance. Being introduced to Anne Green Gilbert’s work early in my teaching career definitely made a huge impact on how I shaped my curriculum. Anne lists 10 brain-compatible principles of dance education in her book Brain-Compatible Dance Education. As I studied these principles and implemented them into my program, I immediately saw how effective they were. When it came to solidifying what we do inside DiscoverDance, I was intentional about following these principles. I will share the principles here, but I also did a whole series on them in Minute Masterclasses 57-67. In addition, our Foundations Course shows you exactly how we integrated each of these principles inside our program. The ten principles are: Present a Meaningful Curriculum, Present a Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum, Provide an Enriched Environment, Give Meaningful Feedback, Alternate Student vs. Teacher Led Activities, Balance Repetition and Novelty, Offer a Curriculum that is Holistic and Sequential, Include Opportunities for Emotional Engagement, Encourage Social Interaction, Provide Information About Nutrition and Sleep. There‘s a reason behind everything we do in DiscoverDance and we have brain science to back it up!

 For more information, to enroll in the Foundations Course, or to join the DiscoverDance Experience, visit DiscoverDance.com.

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