Minute Masterclass Episode 202

Welcome to your one-minute masterclass. I’m Andrea Trench, founder of DiscoverDance and creator of the Foundations Course for Early Childhood Dance Educators and the DiscoverDance Experience Membership. Today, we’re going inside Module 1 of the Foundations Course: Our Guides. These are the resources and tools we have incorporated into our program to ensure we are teaching a developmentally appropriate curriculum. In lesson 1, we explore the 10 brain-compatible dance education principles by Anne Green Gilbert. By including these principles, we are ensuring we are offering a solid brain-based dance education for our students. Lesson 2 is how we meet the needs of the developing child through Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and what that looks like in our DiscoverDance classes. Lesson 3 dives into Bloom’s Taxonomy. This hierarchy of learning stages will assist in ensuring students are fully comprehending the material presented. It also offers a solid reference when it comes to assessing and evaluating our students’ growth. And, in our 4th and final lesson of Module 1, we learn how to teach multiple learning styles so we can create an enriched learning environment for all participants. 

 As a thank you for listening to the DisoverDance podcast, use coupon code when enrolling in the Foundations Course to save $50 now through February 1st, 2024. As always, DiscoverDance Experience members save $100 off the Foundations Course. Visit your Membership Dashboard then Academy for details. For more information or to connect with us, visit DiscoverDance.com.

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